What is it? Balut is a boiled 18 days old fertilized duck embryo egg, containing the partially formed embryo of a duck, surrounded by egg. Imagine a tiny, half-formed head, a bit of a beak, formative guts and bones and the odd feather, all surrounded by egg and you’ve got balut. It’s not a pretty sight. When I first had someone describe to me what Balut is, I genuinely thought they were having me on. Though a snack much beloved in
some part in Borneo, balut to us is a torture of an item, a bizarrely-conceived if not abjectly demonic dish. I threw up the moment they cracked the shell open and tipped it up to suck out the juice. It is one of the the most disturbing delicacy I've ever seen in my life.
My question is not about the food itself, rather why someone decided to eat this in the first place? Some claim that balut has ‘aphrodisiac’ qualities, hrmmmm..I wonder if it's true.
Could you eat the fetus of a duck...just days from hatching? |
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